About Us


“Jadilah Berani dan Lakukan Langkah Kecilmu Sekarang” 
– Langkah Kecil by Sari-

The Story Behind Langkah Kecil 

Hello... Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Sari. I am a stay-at-home mom who has just started pursuing dreams at the age of 40. After spending some time learning and practicing manifestation, self-improvement, and personal development, I got the idea to create a brand called Langkah Kecil. I created Langkah Kecil because I saw many friends who had learned and practiced the process of manifestation to achieve various desires, but were not yet brave enough to take the small steps that would help them achieve their dreams. So Langkah Kecil will provide various manifestation products and information that will help you, especially stay-at-home moms like me who want to pursue their dreams at an age that is no longer young, want to have a better life, and want to stay empowered to start setting goals and start daring to take the small steps.

Mission and Values

Langkah Kecil aims to empower individuals, especially mothers, whether they are stay-at-home moms or working moms, to dare to take small steps. These small steps will lead them to achieve any dreams they desire. Langkah Kecil will provide the tools, resources, information, and support needed within a community of Langkah Kecil to realize their desires and unlock their full potential. Because we understand that there are many people out there who want to have a better life but don't know where to start. And many have already begun the manifestation process hoping their lives will change and they can achieve their dreams, but they are afraid to take the first step towards those dreams. That's why Langkah Kecil wants to ensure that every individual can courageously take their small steps with our assistance